A complete analysis of the compartmentation of hydrolases is difficult to achieve. 对水解酶间隔作用作完全分析是很难达到的。
The complete analysis may take from three to four months, and should evolve in parallel with the "develop solution components and content" workstream. 完整的分析应进行三到四个月,并应与“开发方案组件和内容”工作流程并行进行。
We have finished the first complete analysis of the LIGO S3 data set. 我们已经完成了S3数据集的第一轮全面分析。
When there is an insoluble product of electrodeposition, complete analysis of the voltammetric curve is more difficult. 当产物为不溶性条件下,用于分析伏安曲线的理论公式的推导变得很复杂。
A complete analysis of the trial's results will be reported at an upcoming scientific meeting. 关于实验结果的详细分析将在一个即将举行的科学会议上公布。
This article conducts a complete analysis of Tai Boxing in Tai troops, and hope to learn some practical revelations and experience, which can improve PLA special force combat training level. 泰拳是泰国特种部队格斗训练的主要内容,泰拳以其凶狠、实用而名闻天下。
Student teams ( up to4 students) will be responsible for performing a complete analysis and valuation of a company of your choice during the semester. 本学期每组学生(最多四人一组)负责对一个你们所选的公司执行完整的分析与评价。
A general formula of the corresponding Laplace space solution was not only derived from the complete analysis, but the special cases were also discussed. 在全面分析了它们之间内在联系的基础上,得到了一个通式,并对其特殊情况进行了讨论。
A complete analysis must build on the implicit function theorem. 完整的分析必须建立在隐函数定理的基础上。
The paper describes the feature of the sport-resort wear at the aspect of people's physical comfort, and makes a complete analysis about its function, and also offers the evidence for the design. 本文从人体着装下的生理舒适的角展出发,对运动型休闲服的特点进行了阐述,对其功能进行了全面的分析,为运动型休闲服的设计提供了依据。
The operator places a small sample of the unknown substance on the sensor and a touchscreen program gives step-by-step directions for the complete analysis. 操作员将一个未知物的样品放到传感器上,触摸屏程序会逐步指示整个分析过程。
As a group, we will try to build a complete analysis of the situation and address the problems and issues it presents. 在全班讨论时,我们将针对个案尽量建构出并提供一完整的分析以及其所衍伸的相关议题。
The prediction method of groundwater level based on the complete analysis model of fuzzy pattern recognition 地下水位动态预测模糊识别全解析模型
We will build a complete analysis of the situation and address the problems and issues it presents. 我们将建构对情况的完整分析并强调它所代表的问题及议题。
However, as a minimum, a complete analysis should be performed at appropriate intervals and compared with the certificates of analysis. 然而,最低限度每隔一定时间应当进行一次全检,并与分析报告进行比较。
This kind of estimate depends on the image data that provide of triangle relation to complete analysis the distance of moving object. 这种判断主要依赖与图像数据所提供的三角关系来完成运动物体距离分析。
Meanwhile, it makes a complete analysis on lubricating technology, test run operation, common breakdown in operation and its management. 同时对润滑技术、试车操作和运行中的常见故障及其处理也作了全面分析。
At last, proposes to describe class structure use XML, and complete analysis and design of class structure verify tool. 最后提出以XML来表示类结构,并结合上述的理论完成了一个类结构检验工具的分析与设计。
In the research of the Inverter controlling calculation, the systemic and complete analysis of the UPS Inverter system is carried out; 在逆变控制算法的研究中,对UPS逆变系统进行了系统而完整的分析。
The result of this paper not only offers researching framework and analytical thought for complete analysis on individual income gap, but also offer theoretical basis and strategies for the government to control income distribution and regarding laws, together with relative policies to be made. 本文的研究结果不仅为全面分析我国个人收入差距提供了研究框架和分析思路,而且为政府部门把握收入分配和差距变化的一般规律并制定相关的政策提供了理论依据和分析策略。
In terms of the role modeling, a more complete analysis method is discussed-using role use case for UML. 根据角色模型,讨论了一个更加完全的UML角色Usecase分析方法。
This dissertation makes a complete analysis of the correspondence problem. 本文全面分析了相邻断层间轮廓对应问题。
This paper makes a complete analysis of the characteristics of the parallel calculation of the arithmetic expressions on YH-F2 system, and advances the concept of nested level tree, together with the appropriate calculation pattern of the arithmetic expressions. 本文深入研究了基于YH-F2系统的算术表达式的并行计算特点,提出了嵌套层次树的概念和相应的计算模式。
Only combination of CI and hypothesis testing can give a complete analysis. 只有把CI与假设检验结合、相互补充,才能作出完整的分析结论。
This paper makes a rather complete analysis on the appearance and the development of Chinese flute family instruments. 总之,本文对中国历史上笛属乐器的发生、发展给予了较为充分的分析。
The thesis suggests that policies and approaches for anti-tax avoidance should be established with complete analysis. 据此,笔者从博弈的角度提出,改进反避税的方法和策略,应建立在对企业避税行为分析的基础之上。
Complete analysis of the main functions of the ERP business intelligence system design and system-based data warehouse design, and completed the implementation of the feasibility of the system. 4. 完成了对基于数据仓库的ERP商务智能系统设计和系统主要功能设计,并完成了对系统的实施可行性进行了分析。
On the base of detailed design and complete analysis, the thesis implements the functional modules, and carries out the functional tests. 在充分分析和完整设计的基础上,论文实现了各功能模块,最后完成了系统功能测试。
Complete analysis of the value of investment companies, including macroeconomic analysis, industry analysis and company analysis. 完整的公司投资价值分析包括宏观经济分析、行业分析和公司分析。
After complete analysis the magnetic field, we simulated the performances of the prototype. 在对两台样机的电磁场分析完成的基础上,本文进一步对样机性能进行了仿真。